Memorable dailySpark Comments from our Members

By , SparkPeople Blogger
When I was a kid it seemed as though it took forever between New Year's and the end of the year. However, now that I am edging ever so closer to the big 5-0--only 2 years away--I have a better understanding as to all the comments the adults in my life used to make when I was a kid about time flying by. But we all know that time moves no more slowly for kids than it does for adults--it all comes down to a matter of perspective.

August marks two special anniversaries. One is my first anniversary working for SparkPeople and the second is the first anniversary of the dailySpark. Speaking for myself, this has been such an incredible year which has totally transformed my life. To think that a former member is now writing blogs is truly surreal. While I may not be the most articulate blogger, I do my best to offer my perspective on life and this journey we call healthy living.

One thing I have learned this past year is, as much as you learn from us, we learn just as much from you, our members. Trust me your comments on the blogs are always well received and we do take time to read through them. Even before I was asked to write a blog for this special event, I had been keeping a log of comments many of you shared on many of the blogs, not just mine, but everyone's. What I discovered is our members are articulate, funny, inspiring, courageous, and thought provoking.

Below are a few of the comments I saved, and if you don't see your username, do not think your comments were for naught, I just did not have the space to use them all.

I hope you enjoy reading some of comments from blogs of the past year!

You Educate Us

"I've been to the Mustard Museum in Mt. Horeb many times. It's a lot of fun, and you wouldn't believe the 100s of different types of mustard they have for sale! And for tasting!" JAKE9999 from Which Sunny Condiment Can Save You Hundreds of Calories a Month?

"I've had them all. I even eat the rind from the pomegranate. Weird, I know." SUPERSLACKER87 from The 10 Healthiest Foods You've Never Tried

"One thing I found out about the Olive Garden is that there is a light version of their salad dressing available but you have to ask the server for it, it is not on the menu." SWEETIESSLAVE from Restaurants Offer Healthy Options, But Are You Eating Them?

You Make Us Smile!

"I thought this was an eggceptionally good egg article. Doesn't everybody use left over Easter eggs for deviled eggs or is that just the corny people from the m-Midwest--like me?" CJ1954 from Excellent Examples for Expending Extra Easter Eggs!

"How great is it when you learn what you thought was a vice is actually good for you?" DAN_ODEA from Is Chocolate Milk Ideal after a Workout?

"When I taught aerobic dance years ago we wore leotards and tights (with sneakers and leg warmers, no less). They did not wick, Yuck. I am not buying special clothing to get drenched in sweat, I don't care if they do wick." KARLAKRAFTS from Poll: Do New Workout Clothes Motivate You to Exercise?

"Well, seeing as how I've been fat for years for free, I'd love the money :)"AMANDARN1 from Would You Gain Weight for Money, Like Renee Zellweger?

"These movies based on non-fictional, lifestyle type books (ie: "He's just not that into you"; Under the Tuscan Sun", etc) are lame. What's next...the "Betty Crocker CookBook " movie?" TVTORI from Hilary Swank Will Gain Weight for Upcoming Role

"I wear a little make-up. Not very good at applying it in a classy way. Lipstick stays on about 30 minutes---so I have owned about 3 tubes in my life:)" KNABBERN from 8 Stars Willingly Grace Magazine Cover--with No Makeup--in the Name of True Beauty

"This is so me!! I guess I better cancel my appointment for a butt reduction!" GLAMDIVA from Big Butts=Better Health

You Inspire Us

"Donna, our instructor, told the audience how I came to class blind and in a cast and it inspired others, including residents, to get up and conga with us! What a feeling to inspire others to move too! What a feeling to dance and feel so good in my own body! What a night!" JAXMOMMY from Touching My Toes: What Goal Have You Achieved?

My "mountain" may be only a molehill to someone else, but I am going to be proud of myself when I climb to the top! MNNICE from Overcoming Self-Doubt: How Do You Do It?

“…the thought of "deprivation" is more frightening to them than dying of obesity!” MARJIJANE from There is No Magic Potion, for Real?

" I definitely do not view exercise as a punishment. It is more like putting a deposit in the (health) bank! The more I deposit the more interest I earn in my body, right? :-)" KGRIMES526 from Poll: Do You View Exercise as Punishment or Health Benefit?

"Most of the time what we think is good luck is the result of somone's hard work." WESTPHILLYLADY from Create Your Luck

Your Gratitude is Always Appreciated

"Oh Coach Dean, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways... Thank you for (ahem) always wearing your heart on your sleeve." SUPERFIT5 from Coach Dean's blog Not Exactly the Vacation I Had in Mind...

"Thank you for sharing your story with us! I'm printing this out and keeping it on my wall to motivate myself :)" AMEENA5 from Stepfanie's blog Inspiring Stories: Ditching the Training Wheels, at 26

"I can't thank you enough for this article and discussion. You've written it 'to me'!" MARTINE08 from Tanya's blog But What if I Can't Lose Weight?

"Thanks for sharing Nicole!!! You don't know what it took for me to wear my running skirt at the convention this weekend knowing there were going to be cameras everywhere!!!" from MISSJCISRUNNING from Coach Nicole's blog Confession: I Won't Wear a Bathing Suit in Public

"Wow! Thank you for sharing! This is truly inspirational! I've been on and off again with SP, but my motivation for returning this time is to begin living healthier for my unborn children. Your post gives a lot of great insight and inspiration to someone like me. :)" MRSFIELDS09 from Coach Jen's blog Confession: Motherhood Has Changed Me

"Thanks for those words, they have inspired me to take another look at myself, maybe there is something I might like about ME. Thanks so much." LOUWALKER1946 from Nancy's blog Does Your Weight/Age Define You?

These are just a few of many of my favorites. It was so hard to whittle my list, but trust that your words adorn the wall in my office as part of my wall of inspiration. I would like to THANK ALL OF YOU for sharing your journey with us. Here's to another inspirational year of blogs and comments!


Have you left a comment on the blogs? Would you be willing to start today?

See more: anniversary