Meet SparkPeople's Newest Employee!

By , Sarah Felkey
Editor's Note: By popular demand, our Behind the Scenes at SparkPeople feature has returned.

Name: Sarah Felkey (SPFELKEY)

Position at SparkPeople: Marketing Coordinator

Age: 31

Family: I am married to my wonderful husband, Sean, and we have two cats: Frisches, who carries slippers around the house, and Izzy, whose only speed is "run."

How long have you worked for SparkPeople? Since May

Tell us your proudest accomplishment at SparkPeople or a fun fact about your job:
Since I’ve only been here since May, I am still learning about my job responsibilities, but I’m excited about what I’m working on so far, including marketing for our upcoming cookbook, print ads, and emails. I’m also helping beta test a new member support feature that hopefully will be released very soon on the SparkPeople website!

How do you stay in shape?
My husband and I are currently training for our first 5K so lately it’s been running. I also enjoy working outside in the yard, as well as sneaking in little exercises throughout the day like wall pushups or parking far away at the grocery store to get some extra walking in. All those little bits of activity add up! (Update: Sarah and her husband ROCKED their first 5K last weekend!)

What's your favorite food?
If I could only eat one thing for the rest of my life, I think I would be able to sustain myself quite comfortably on cereal. I love all different kinds (except the super sugary ones) with really cold milk.

What's your favorite indulgence?
Ice cream! There is a local ice cream place that has the best peanut butter soft serve. Thankfully they offer junior cones, so I get that when I want a special treat.

How do you feel when you exercise?
I think the hardest part about exercising is not the actual act of the exercise; it’s making the time and effort to do it! My first excuse is "I don’t want to change clothes" (poor excuse!), but once I start exercising I feel great. (Psst, Sarah, check out "The Habits of Fit People" and bust those excuses once and for all!)

What do you do to de-stress?
I like to read a magazine or sometimes cook or bake. But when I’m the most stressed, a nap is usually just what I need to calm down and recoup. Sleep is a wonderful thing.

What is your passion in life?
I love helping people. That is what most attracted me to SparkPeople – the fact that we are helping people live healthier, happier lives! I am naturally an introvert, but I find that I come out of my shell when I can make a positive impact in people’s lives, whether it’s a small or big act.

How has working at SparkPeople affected your life?
I have become more aware of my eating and exercise habits – some good, some bad! I’ve also started drinking a lot more water and much less soda. But what I’m most excited about it that I have gotten back into running. I used to do it more often, but got away from it. I love how strong it makes me feel. Now I’m making time for it and really enjoying it!

Have you gained or lost weight since starting here?
I have maintained my weight but am working on toning and strengthening.

Have you started any new habits?
I am trying to eat more fruit. I love veggies, but I’m more picky when it comes to fruit. I’ve found that making smoothies is a fun way to eat different kinds of fruit.

What's your favorite breakfast cereal?
As I mentioned before, my favorite food is cereal so it’s hard to choose just one! Lately though I’ve been on a Life cereal kick. Tastes delicious dry or with milk!

What did you eat for dinner last night?
Pork chops on the grill with asparagus and roasted potatoes and onions. One of our favorite meals!

Do you have any hidden talents?
I like to draw, paint, and do other creative things like making cards.

What are some of your goals?
I would like to lose 5-10 pounds and get a stronger upper body and core. I have had back pain since I was a teen, and I know that when my core is stronger, my pain is less. So that’s a good motivation.

What's your favorite SparkPeople feature?
I love spinning the SparkPoints wheel. It’s strangely motivating and I love it when I get the bonus spin!

What do you like best about working at SparkPeople?
The company culture is amazing. It’s just a fun place to work! It’s very casual and laid-back, but we are all focused on making continuous improvements to SparkPeople to help people reach their goals.

I also love telling people where I work and getting the "I love SparkPeople!" response. It’s so fun to work at a company that so many people love.
Is there anything else readers should know about you?
I am a cat lover. Not a crazy cat lady, but I have been called a "cat whisperer" by my family since I seem to have a way with cats, even difficult ones. It’s hard to resist their purring!
 Let's welcome Sarah to the SparkPeople team! What advice do you have for her? How can she reach her goals with SparkPeople?