McDonald's To Renovate Its Look, What Do You Think?

By , SparkPeople Blogger
by Neha Prakash, That's Fit

Fast food giant McDonald's is revamping more than 14,000 of their franchises, USA Today reports. The company is throwing $1 billion into facelifting its restaurants, in efforts to do what Starbucks had recently done, to create a more sleek and modern setting. The changes are set to be complete by 2015.

Renovations include adding flat-screen TVs, Wi-Fi and nixing the iconic red and yellow hues for more earth tone shades to establish a comfortable environment. The chain hopes the changes will edge out fast food competitors, like Burger King, but no menu adjustments have been reported for McD's.

The chain has taken a lot of flack in the past for promoting unhealthy food and being a large contributor to rising obesity rates. But the company does not seem to be addressing the food concerns in its pending changes.

Would you be more likely to visit an "upscale" McDonald's or will the food choices keep you away?

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