Magazine Names SparkGuy a 'Champion of Health and Fitness'

By , SparkPeople Blogger
We here at SparkPeople started this day out with one giant "WooHoo!"

Why? Our own Chris "SparkGuy" Downie has been honored by Fitness Magazine as one of 10 Champions of Health and Fitness in 2010. Chris is in great company: Jessica Biel and Jamie Oliver, who are doing their parts to make this world a healthier one, are among the other honorees.

We're stoked that a major magazine honored Chris--and SparkPeople--this way.

You'll have to click here (or buy a copy of the magazine and turn to page 100) for all the details, but we love this quote from our inspirational leader: “Helping someone else be successful helps you stick to your own goals. It truly changes your life.”

Can I get another WooHoo?!

Whom would you nominate as a "Champion of Health and Fitness"?