Kim Kardashian Admits She Has Cellulite

By , SparkPeople Blogger
Pick up the latest issue of any women's magazine and you'll likely see a beautiful model or celebrity on the cover. They all have smooth and flawless skin, polished teeth and perfect curves. It's easy to look at those images and become discouraged because you feel like you'll never live up to that standard. But are those images real? Is that how this person would look if you saw them at Starbucks or working out at the gym? Probably not. It's called the magic of "Photoshopping," and one celebrity recently spoke out about what she really looks like.

Kim Kardashian recently did a
photo shoot
for Complex magazine. When the original picture leaked onto the Internet, she decided to post that picture on her website next to the retouched version that was intended for the magazine. The differences are pretty significant. The retouched picture takes inches off of Kim's legs (removing all cellulite), makes her waist smaller and brightens her skin.

Kim says she's proud of her body and her curves and admits that yes, she does have cellulite. "What curvy girl doesn't?" she asks. It's hard to know if she would have posted those pictures, had the before picture not leaked out accidentally. But Kim gets credit for being brave enough to admit that she doesn't look perfect. Maybe if other celebrities would do the same, the average woman wouldn't feel pressure to aspire to look like and image that's unattainable.

Do you think magazines should stop retouching their cover models? Are you affected by these images in the media? How so?