I'm Leaving on a Jet Plane… Let's Stay in Touch

By , SparkPeople Blogger
Hello, dailySpark readers! I'm about to leave you for awhile. I'll be spending the next couple of days in Vancouver at the Nike Women's Media Summit. Nike is treating a bunch of writers and bloggers to a two-day seminar complete with workouts and interviews with Olympic hopefuls. Needless to say, when we were presented with the offer, the dailySpark jumped at the chance. (Keep your passport updated and nearby at all times just in case cool opportunities arise!)

I wish I could bring you all along, but I can do the next best thing. While I won't have time to blog throughout the trip (though expect a full update when I return and several related blog posts over the next few weeks), I will be updating my Twitter feed.

If you're interested in getting the inside scoop on my travels, follow me on Twitter: Click here for my feed.

I'll be back bright and early on Friday, and I've prepared a few blogs to keep you company in my absence!

Are you on Twitter? Have any questions you'd like me to answer?