How to Stay Positive When You're Injured

By , SparkPeople Blogger
Making significant healthy lifestyle changes—and maintaining them for the rest of your life--might seem next to impossible at first. But don't worry! At SparkPeople, we believe in taking small and manageable healthy steps that eventually become lifelong habits. Our sponsors at Meta also believe that small changes can lead to good things, and they even have a name for it: the Meta Effect. When you make a healthy choice like taking the stairs or eating a Meta Health Bar for a snack, you may continue to make good choices to keep the streak going.

We've talked to several people who have changed their lives through this step-by-step approach--and now, they're sharing their secrets with you in this success story series! Meet Angela, a hard-working mom who believes in the power of balance and small changes. Despite an ankle injury and other setbacks, she's been making consistent strides to get healthier and set a good example for her daughter. Go, Angela!

What are some of your favorite ways to sneak in small bits of activity throughout the day?
I'm recovering from an ankle injury right now, so I do ankle exercises throughout the day. I also practice deep breathing while I'm driving and make an effort to practice good posture at every opportunity. While waiting for my food to cook in the microwave, I will do a few laps around the kitchen or do calf raises. I will sometimes walk to a desk to take care of something rather than e-mailing a co-worker, and I make sure to drink a lot of water to encourage me to get up from my desk more. Sometimes, I also swing my legs as I'm sitting at work, and I raise my legs while sitting at home to work my quads. When I'm putting clothes in the dryer, I do squats! It's better for my back and a great way to fit in some exercise. I also work on tightening my core while doing dishes by trying not to lean against the counter.

Sorry to hear about your ankle injury! Do you have any motivational mantras or quotes that have helped you get through this obstacle? 
I just tell myself that no matter how slow I am, I'm still lapping everyone who's sitting on the couch! It's been an important reminder since I'm hobbling along most days unless I'm riding my bike. When I have a rough day, I remind myself that the rain won't last forever. I've had to say that a lot this year, and it's gotten me through some tough times.

What small, everyday tweaks have you ADDED to your life to help you get healthier? 
I love that SparkPeople encourages us to add healthy habits to our lifestyle instead of subtracting things all the time! I started carrying my water bottle with me everywhere at work, and as a result, I drink very little soda these days--maybe once a month on average. When I do, I try to choose diet soda! I've been packing plenty of fruit in my lunch, too. I like to pack my lunch and snacks so I can better control what I'm eating, and I rarely go out to lunch anymore. I also like taking fiber supplements like Metamucil® to make sure I'm getting the recommended daily dose of fiber.

It's great that you're focusing on getting more fruit! What's your favorite fruit?  Like I mentioned, I've been trying to find ways to get more fiber, and I learned that berries are a good source. I like to enjoy fresh strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries when they're in season. I love sprinkling berries with a little sweetener to mix into yogurt parfaits. For a treat, I also like to eat them over a little pound cake.

Yum! What are some of your other favorite portable healthy snacks?
Aside from fruit, I also like portion-controlled graham crackers, breadsticks, cheese and crackers. When I am craving something, I keep Meta Health Bars at my desk that are both nutritious and delicious. 

You're a busy mom. How do you feed your family nutritious meals when you're short on time?
As a single mom, getting dinner on the table has to be quick and easy, so I've learned a lot of tricks! Frozen veggies are a life-saver and require very little prep time. I'll bake a pot pie in the oven and then quickly steam some frozen veggies while it's baking. I also add steamed frozen veggies to stews and soups for an extra boost of nutrients. We try to fill half of our plates with fruits and/or veggies at almost every meal.

What's your favorite way to exercise? Do you get your family involved? I love riding bikes with my daughter. We turn it into a game and I feel like a kid again every time. We have so much fun that I don't even realize that I'm exercising, and I can even do it with my injured ankle. I'm also experimenting with some seated workouts. I like workouts that are challenging, but still fun.

How do you manage to keep a positive outlook when times get tough? 
I've had a very trying year. My job was outsourced, three family members died within three months, and another family member started his battle with cancer. Additionally, I've had a tough time recovering from my ankle injury, and my daughter was having some challenges adapting to the changes going on in our lives. I've relied on my faith to get through these storms. I do what I can and let go of what I cannot control. As a silver lining though, I start a new career adventure tomorrow and couldn't be happier. When we feel like we are going through our darkest times, we all have the ability to shine our light on others. Despite my troubles, I stay positive every day because I know that I have a purpose. If nothing else, it's to nurture and love my daughter. We have an amazing relationship, and I'm so thankful for that.

What's your go-to motivational technique when you don't feel like eating healthy or working out? 
I have a folder on my computer with all the pictures, funny cartoons and motivational quotes that I've enjoyed from SparkPeople. Every day, I try to pick one and post it on my Facebook page. It helps me put on my game face and reminds me of why I'm doing what I'm doing. It's especially helpful when I'm going through a rough patch like I am now, where it's difficult to exercise and I'm still adjusting to my new hours and trying to find balance in my life. 

How has your life changed since you started making small changes to get healthier? What can you do now that wasn't possible before you started your journey? The thing I've noticed most is my higher energy levels! Before, my low energy was actually what motivated me to make changes. When I found out I was going to be a mom, I wanted to be able to keep up with my daughter, and I've done a pretty good job at doing so (when I'm not injured). I've also noticed that I'm sick less often, less stressed and happier overall. My body responds and works better when I give it what it needs. 

What's the biggest lesson you've learned along your healthy-living journey? It's not all or nothing. Healthy living is not about extremes. The key word is living! Depriving myself from having a slice of birthday cake while everyone else is enjoying some is not living! I have found that it's all about balance. I like to eat 80 to 90% healthy and leave 10 to 20% for the fun stuff. It's the same with exercise. Lying on the couch isn't going to help me reach my goals, but neither will pushing myself to total exhaustion. It's about balance, listening to my body and striving to be a little bit better than I was before. And if I have an injury, it's okay. It's not the end of the world. I just adjust and keep doing my best with what I've got. I focus on what I can do—which is a lot, actually!
Way to go, Angela! Inspired to start your journey to a healthier lifestyle? Check out The Small Changes Challenge and Thrive 365 Center to get started!

This series is brought to you by Meta, a SparkPeople sponsor. This SparkPeople member received Meta product to sample and opted into the Meta Influencer Program.