How to Prevent a Cold

By , Woman's Day Staff
Sniffles Begone!

There are at least 62 million cases of the common cold every year, but you can avoid it. Barbara Doty, MD, a doctor in Wasilla, AK, and board member of the American Academy of Family Physicians, gives her three surefire ways to stay healthy.
1. Don't Share
It's a no-brainer to keep your lip balm and toothbrush to yourself, but don't feel bad about also saying "no thanks!" to sharing plates of food, drinks, eating utensils and even office equipment (pens, staplers, scissors) to avoid germs this time of year. 
2. Make Sleep a Priority
You need 7 to 8 hours each night year-round, but it's particularly crucial right now because your body needs the time to rejuvenate to fight off any bugs. The more rested you are, the less likely you are to catch a cold.
3. Target Hidden Germ Hot Spots
Yes, you know to wash your hands, but be sure to spend extra time on the areas where germs hide: the backs of your hands, between your fingers and under your nails. Surfaces on and around your thumb and forefinger (the main fingers you use to grasp or touch objects that may be germy) are the most critical areas to scrub.

Read more on how to prevent a cold from Woman's Day.

More from Woman’s Day:How do you keep yourself healthy during the cold season?

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