How to Burn Calories Without Exercise

By , Denise Schipani, Woman's Day
Slim-Down Ideas

Splurging on a gym membership isn't the only way to weight loss. What you eat is obviously important, but how you eat can also help you reach your goal weight. Click through for nutrition tips that could help boost your metabolism. Try these pointers for yourself and you could drop 10 pounds—no sweat! 

Rev Up Your Metabolism with Healthy Fats

Research has found that eating fat for breakfast turns on your fat-burning switch and helps your body use more calories all day long.
Try these foods in the A.M.:
  • 2 eggs cooked in 1 Tbsp olive or canola oil
  • 2 Tbsp peanut butter on whole-wheat toast
  • Sliced avocado on English muffin with 1 slice of cheese
Cold Water

One study showed that drinking two 8-oz glasses of water increased metabolism by 30%—and cold water boosted the burn a bit more.
Sip a glass of water (or unsweetened iced tea, which will also give you a shot of caffeine) with each meal. For added flavor—and vitamin C—drop sliced lemon into a pitcher of water and let it sit overnight in the fridge before drinking.

Smart Swaps to Fuel Your Slimdown


Swap Out: 1 cup blueberries
Swap In: 1 cup sliced strawberries

A cup of strawberries has 130% of your daily dose of vitamin C—a nutrient your body needs to burn fat—whereas blueberries contain just about 20%.


Swap Out: An 8" flour tortilla
Swap In: A 6" corn tortilla

Opting for the corn version in tacos and quesadillas saves about 100 calories and delivers 100% whole grains, which take more energy to digest.

Afternoon Snack

Swap Out: Hummus
Swap In: Greek yogurt dip

You burn more calories digesting protein than any other nutrient, and Greek yogurt has 11.5 g per ½ cup. Mix ½ cup plain Greek yogurt + ½ cucumber, grated + 1 Tbsp fresh lemon juice + 2 Tbsp chopped dill or mint.


Swap Out: Soy sauce
Swap In: Curry powder

Curry contains curcumin, a compound that helps control hormones linked to weight gain. Try 1 to 2 Tbsp curry powder instead of soy sauce (which can cause bloating, too) in your next stir-fry.


Swap Out: A fudge pop
Swap In: 1 oz dark chocolate

A new study shows that people who ate more dark chocolate weighed less. The researchers suspect antioxidants in chocolate may boost metabolism.

Click here for more tips on how to burn calories without exercise from Woman’s Day.

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How do you burn calories without exercise? What suggestions will you try?

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