Hilary Swank Will Gain Weight for Upcoming Role

By , SparkPeople Blogger
The non-fiction book French Women Don't Get Fat is being made into a movie, in which Hilary Swank will take a starring role. According to E! online, Swank will gain 20 to 30 pounds for the role.

E! Online reports that Swank's colleagues are "more than concerned about her alarmingly thin frame," which is "tiny" and "frail" looking. She's not the only actor who has altered her weight or appearance for a role: Matt Damon, George Clooney, Renee Zellweger, Charlize Theron, Adrien Brody and countless others have, too.

I always find it interesting that stars will lose or gain large amounts of weight for TV or film roles. After all, it can't be good for one's health, physically or mentally. What bothers me most is that TV and film executives will hire a thin actor to gain weight rather than a heavier actor in the first place. Certainly, there are plenty of normal weight and overweight actors who are talented and looking for work, right? Why not give jobs to them instead of a person who needs to alter his or her appearance?

What do you think about thin actors gaining weight for roles?