Healthy, Homemade Gifts: Vision Collage

By , SparkPeople Blogger
Here at SparkPeople, we're big fans of vision collages. What's a vision collage?

A vision collage is a collection of photos, magazine pages, words, or anything else that you can use to help visualize your goals.

Why would you give one as a gift?

Sometimes it's hard to visualize the future for yourself, and it's can be even harder to pick out the aspects of yourself that you like. Make a vision collage for someone else.

If your best friend is working hard to quit smoking, make her a collage with a photo of the two of you, motivational quotes, a list of activities she can do to distract herself from smoking, and maybe a mantra she can repeat to herself when she's having a tough day.

Hubby trying to find motivation to work out? Find a favorite photo of yourselves from your younger days and add a list of reasons why you love him no matter what.

When you know that someone else loves you and is rooting for you, it can make reaching your goal all that much easier.

Grab a few favorite photos, some old magazines, a couple of mementos and a nice piece of paper. Once your collage is finished, frame it.

It doesn't need to be large. My friend Jennie framed a collection of fortunes from cookies and put them in a tiny 2"x3" frame that she keeps by her bed.

Do you have a vision collage? Would you ever make one for someone else?