Great Article in Good Housekeeping

By , SparkPeople Blogger
Remember last week when I mentioned some big news and an article in a major magazine? I couldn't divulge details then, but that magazine is now on newsstands, so I can share: I wrote an article for Good Housekeeping (in the February 2010 issue with Amy Grant and Vince Gill on the cover). The article is a cover story! (Can I get a Woo-Hoo?)

When I was in New York, I had the honor and privilege of meeting GH Editor Rosemary Ellis--and got a tour of the Good Housekeeping Research Institute. It was really impressive to see all the research that goes on there, and it's an incredible honor to have such a respected magazine give us such amazing coverage.(Happy 125th Anniversary, Good Housekeeping!)

While I won't tell you exactly what's in the article (you'll have to pick up a copy to find out), I will tell you it's a six-page spread, with photos of members D710DANCE, PUMPKINFACE73, and BEMORESTUBBORN. It starts on page 138.

Good Housekeeping is also sponsoring a SparkPeople contest: Enter to win an autographed copy of The Spark and a SparkPeople Super Fitness Kit. Click here for details. NOTE: You do have to sign up for a trial membership of the magazine to be entered in the contest.

Thanks for helping me Spread the Spark, Good Housekeeping! All of us at SparkPeople are thrilled to have our story in such a well-respected magazine.

Have you seen the story yet?