Grab Your Dumbbells to Work Out Like Britney Spears

By , SparkPeople Blogger
Britney Spears is making a comeback! After a couple years of—well, we won't get into that here—she's back on top with new music and an improved look. But Britney's reshaped body hasn't come easy. She's been frequenting the gym, working with a trainer, hitting the dance studio, and, as you'll soon see: strength training. In a newly released video on her website,, she shows off some of the moves she's using right now to tone up at home.

This particular workout focuses on upper body exercises. Britney's trainer leads her thought a few preparatory kickboxing moves, followed by an upper body toning routine using 8-pound dumbbells. She does overhead presses (which work her shoulders), hammer curls (for her biceps), one-arm rows (for her back) and triceps kickbacks. This is a pretty balanced upper body routine (the only thing missing is a good chest exercise, such as chest press or some pushups.

You can check out the video below:

I think it's great that Britney is exercising regularly, is lifting weights that are heavier than 3 pounds, and being a good example to other women when it comes to good fitness.

If you want toned arms and shoulders like Britney, check out this workout that I put together using her moves! (You can easily view it, print it, and add it to your SparkPeople Fitness Tracker.) Try the routine 2 times a week, using weights that are challenging enough to exhaust your muscles within 15 repetitions. If you move quickly from one exercise to the next, your workout will fly by faster and you'll get a calorie-burning boost!

What do you think about Britney's workout routine? Any other celebs whose workouts secrets you would love to uncover?