Get 'The Spark Solution' in Paperback—and Get in Shape for Summer!

By , SparkPeople Blogger
Great news! Our popular book "The Spark Solution" is now available in paperback, which means you can snag what U.S. News & World Report named one of the "Best Diets" around at an everyday low price! (And when you purchase the book, you'll earn 500 bonus SparkPoints—WooHoo!)
"The Spark Solution" features a unique two-week program designed by SparkPeople's experts to help you jump-start your weight loss and get on track with a healthy lifestyle that you can sustain forever. With healthy recipes, detailed meal plans, equipment-free workouts and motivation, it's just the ticket to get you on the road to success. After all, many of us really benefit from following a structured plan. If that sounds like you, find out where you can buy The Spark Solution to get back on track with your program and lose up to 5 pounds in just 2 weeks! (Summer is just around the corner after all.)