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Get a Sneak Peek of My New Workout DVD!

By , SparkPeople Blogger
I can hardly contain my excitement as I write this post. There's something that I've been hiding for a while and as much as I wanted to, I wasn't able to tell anyone about it. But the day for my big reveal is finally here, and I hope that you will be as excited about it as I am!

Most of you know me from the SparkPeople workout videos. Some of you may also know that I created a couple workout DVDs for the SparkPeople Store. But what you don't know is that I designed and shot eight new workouts for a brand new fitness DVD a few months ago. This wasn't just any video shoot. We built our very own set, shot it on a real sound stage, and I even had my own make-up artist and stylist for the two-day shoot. Probably the most exciting part for me was that I bought eight new workout outfits to wear (and you know how much I love workout clothes!)

This isn't just any fitness DVD either. I designed it as a compliment to our new book The Spark, and like that book, it will be sold in retail stores nationwide. Look out world: Coach Nicole is going to hit the mainstream!

Now, you can get a sneak peek at one of the new 10-minute workouts from my forthcoming DVD: Fit, Firm & Fired Up in 10 Minutes a Day!

Every person who preorders The Spark before its publish date (December 29, 2009) will receive a bunch of free gifts, including special access to one full-length workout from this DVD, which won't be available for purchase until mid-December. (You get lots of other stuff by pre-ordering, too, such as 2,000 SparkPoints and steep discounts up to 50% off the list price!)

Here's what some other members had to say about the free workout:

"Love it, love it, love it!!! The energy is great, the instructions are thorough, the enthusiasm in catching! There's no question Coach Nicole knows what she's talking about and obviously lives the principles she's teaching. You look mahvelous dahling! I wish aesthetics didn't matter so much (referencing past video comments), but I must say the set and especially Coach Nicole look fantastic! Keep up the GREAT work!" –ANDREA0301

"I haven't had a chance to work out to the video, but I did watch it. I often travel for work and the video will be a great way for me to get a decent workout in my room. When I'm home, I tend to head to the gym more. I might buy the DVD when it comes out though because the workout was straight-forward and to the point. None of the cheerleader rah rah stuff (not that that's bad by itself, but it gets old after watching a routine more than a couple of times)." –CYSCOKITTY

"Wow! What a great workout! My abs are just screaming. I can't keep up with it, but I like that it isn't too easy. A great challenge! I must point out I love the backdrop and stage layout. The colors that were used are quite cheerful...a happy place to work out. Can't wait to see the whole DVD. I hope it is available for holiday gift giving, because I'll definitely put it on my wish list! Thanks Coach Nicole you've done a great job!" –ALEXIAAG

"I love that you take the time to instruct us without talking down to us. I avoid purchasing workout videos because I feel the people in them are fake and they don't help me feel good about trying to get healthy, rather they make me feel ashamed that I don't look like them."–ENUFALRDY
I think this quote from SparkPeople member LOWCOUNTRYGIRL best conveys our goals with creating this DVD:

“I would like to say that I credit my own success to using the SparkPeople videos. I have tried many workout videos in the past and never can stick to one. However, I have been using SparkPeople’s videos for the past three months and have gotten great results. Coach Nicole’s approachable style of teaching really makes a difference! Kudos to SparkPeople for having a REAL person as a positive inspiration to us all!”
I am more proud of this new DVD than of almost any of the workouts I have made so far. Similar to our popular "Bootcamp" challenges that have been so successful on the site, this DVD features seven 10-minute workouts, one for each day of the week, plus a bonus 15-minute cardio workout. There are two different workouts for each major muscle group (upper body, lower body and core) and it comes with a simple workout plan that explains which workouts to do on which days. You only need a pair of dumbbells to follow along, and like most of my workouts, it's highly suitable for beginners, while still giving options for people who are more advanced.

The whole point of the program is to make fitness a habit, to start a workout "streak" that lasts and get real results. It even includes several bonus features and training tips to help you get the most of your workout plan. My favorite workout on the DVD is called "Strengthen and Lengthen," and it's a yoga-Pilates fusion workout that you do at the end of each week for active recovery, light strength training and flexibility. If you don't want to follow the 7-day program, you can use the workouts on the DVD in a variety of workout combinations, some of which are programmed onto the menu for ideas.

It's exciting to think that if The Spark is successful, then by default this new DVD will be, too, since many fans of the book will likely want to buy the DVD to get started on their fitness programs. I know that I am not the most toned or leanest fitness instructor in the world, but I'm OK with that. I'm not about looking perfect or like some fitness ideal—quite the contrary. I just want to get regular people to exercise and be healthier, and I hope they will welcome me into their living rooms and see me as realistic and relatable. If that inspires them to pop in the DVD the next day, too, then I've done my job.

I hope that you will preorder The Spark (if you haven't already) and take advantage of this free workout preview, and that you can share in my excitement for this project! Please look for Fit, Firm and Fired Up in the SparkPeople Store this December and nationwide in retail stores and online book retailers in January!

If you pre-ordered the book, have you had a chance to try the free workout? If so, what do you think of it? Would you consider purchasing this new DVD when it's released?