Game of Your Life - Choose your moves carefully

By , SparkPeople Blogger
After taking our oldest to college this summer, we began having conversations with our youngest about his career interests to be sure he was on the right track with his high school course selections. As we talked, he told us of his interest in video game development and design. We were not surprised due to his long-standing love of video games. In addition to his core subjects, he was signed up for an intro to computer programming class so we were relieved to find he was on the right track. This fall, he has jumped in with web design on his school's First Robotics team, which also provides a great opportunity to explore other areas of interest. After talking with him, my husband and I began to wonder about college programs around us that provided this type of degree program. We did an online search for undergraduate college programs and found this Princeton Review Top Undergraduate Schools for Video Game Design list and found a couple of top programs nearby.
We were very pleased to learn that the ninth movie in the Family Movie Night series will focus on four college freshman in a video game design program who need to stick together to develop the game of their lives or risk being sent packing. "Game of Your Life" stars Nathan Kress (iCarly), Titus Makin Jr. (Glee), and Lea Thompson (Back To The Future) and airs on NBC at 8/7c on Friday, December 2nd. This movie highlights the difficult choices that young adults have to make whether they are in college or working a job. Important life lessons like determining where to place loyalties, accepting personal responsibility, and learning that the choices we make ultimately affect the people around us. Look at this conversation with one of the stars.

"Game of Your Life" touches on a number of important values that may trigger wonderful family conversation. Here are some suggested discussion starters for parents from our friends at Moms 4 Family TV that may help you make the most of these opportunities.
  • When Zach is given an offer to work on a project for the gaming legend Marcus Bentton, he jumps at the chance. But right away he realizes that there is something suspicious about the job, yet he agrees to take it anyway. Do you feel Zach should have taken the job if he had concerns about it? How would you have handled the situation?

  • When Zach learns that his father is in financial trouble, he feels obligated to help. Yet, Zach’s team is counting on his help to pass the course. What would you do if you were in Zach’s shoes?

  • As the Lincoln Alley project manager, Sara is responsible for making sure each team member is contributing to the project. When she learns that Zach is spending his time working for Marcus Bentton and not on the project, she kicks Zach off the team. Do you feel Sara acted appropriately?
Teachers or robotics coaches may want to use these lesson plans to help students explore these important movie themes further.
Don’t miss “Game of Your Life,” a movie for the entire family, airing Friday, December 2nd at 8/7c on NBC. SparkPeople is a proud supporter!
What is the BEST lesson you learned from your mom or dad AFTER you left home?