Free Reusable Bag Offer from the SparkPeople Store

By , SparkPeople Blogger
In case you missed our earlier promotions, I wanted to let you know one more time about the April special going on at For a limited time only, you'll receive a FREE eco-friendly grocery tote (that's it pictured to the left) on all SparkPeople Store orders of $29.99* or more! *Simply enter the promotional code GOGREEN during checkout. This offer is applicable on orders placed April 1-30, 2010 that total $29.99 or more and ship via ground shipping.

You could spend that $29.99 on fitness products (like our Fitness Starter Kit for $29.99), SparkPeople T-shirts ($11.50 and up), or smart portion lunch kits. But to go with the whole "green" theme, I have another idea.

Create your own $29.99 combination of these eco-friendly SparkPeople products:

Whatever you choose, be sure to act soon. This free grocery tote offer is only good through April 30 so place your order at today!