UPDATED: Fortune: We're the 'Facebook of Dieting'

By , SparkPeople Blogger
UPDATE: This story is now available online.

Here's what SparkGuy had to say about the experience:
"I have to tell everyone that it was a lifelong thrill to sit in the Fortune magazine offices and share the SparkPeople story with 3 high-level people there. I'll never forget it and am so excited that this article will help us spread the spark to many more people and organizations."

SparkPeople is no stranger to good press. From TV to blogs, newspapers to magazines, the media are noticing us more and more these days.

Now, we have another feather for our cap: Fortune! This well-respected business magazine, which primarily focuses on large companies that are household names, wrote a great little piece on SparkPeople in the April 12 issue (on newsstands now).

You'll have to read the story (on page 22, under the heading "Disrupters") for all the details, but we wanted to share this coup with our members. Like everything else we do, it wouldn't be possible without you!

If you were going to tell a reporter about SparkPeople, what would you say?