Former Figure Skater Reclaims Her Fitness*

By , SparkPeople Blogger
Weight Lost:  54 pounds
Hometown: Middle Grove, NY
Occupation: Executive secretary

What was life like before your weight loss?
I was an active kid--I was a figure skater and played high school sports, so I was always in good shape. Because of my activity level, I could eat anything and not gain any weight. Once I entered college, I suffered a knee injury that ended my skating career, and caused me to be much more sedentary than I had been in high school. So I began to gain weight. I had knee surgery, and I was off my feet, using a cane for about two years. Gradually, through my own physical rehabilitation program, I was able to walk without the cane. However, I was never able to master the art of losing weight and keeping it off. I was unhappy with myself physically and emotionally. It was hard just to walk or to climb stairs. I missed being active, especially ice skating. I was embarrassed about how I looked. I tried to hide my body under oversize clothes.

What was the main motivation behind your weight loss?
First, I saw a picture of myself and I thought, "Do I really look like that?"  That's what got me going in 2008.  I lost 60 pounds, but then some personal issues caused me to start gaining it back. Last year, my 30th high school reunion was approaching, and that was the kick I needed to start eating healthy and working out again.  I wanted to be in the best shape possible before I faced my high school friends, who hadn't seen me in 30 years.

Tell us a bit about your weight-loss journey:
My reunion was July 2012, and I'm still going strong with my weight loss. I have about 7 pounds to lose to reach my goal weight. I'd like to say it's been all perfect and easy, but that would be a lie. It's been hard work! But, I've learned to appreciate and celebrate the small victories and to enjoy the journey. I began by walking every day, either during my lunch break or on the treadmill in the evenings. I began to increase my walking, with the goal of at least 10,000 steps every day, and now, I’ve progressed to running!

I have fibromyalgia, a chronic pain condition which is worsened by being overweight. I have found that exercise helps me manage and control my pain levels. It's hard to begin the exercise, but it always helps. I also have high blood pressure, which has improved a lot since I started exercising. 

The SparkPeople resources and community has been integral to my success by holding me accountable for my food and exercise. For a while, I stopped using SparkPeople and lost contact with my SparkFriends. I began to lose my belief in myself and I started to gain the weight back.  I'm confident that I would not have gotten where I am today without SparkPeople. I've made so many new friends, and found so much motivation and support from reading other people’s stories.

What is your typical exercise routine like?
My dog, Jasper, and I walk at least two miles at lunchtime every day. After work, I run at least four times per week and do strength training.

How have your eating habits/ overall diet changed?
I’m much more conscious of the food that I eat. Specifically, I try to only eat food that benefits my body instead of random snacking or stress eating.

What was your biggest obstacle while trying to lose weight; and how did you deal with it?
My biggest obstacle has been the fibromyalgia. It’s not easy to exercise with the pain and fatigue. I deal with it by having a routine—I change into my exercise clothes as soon as I get home from work. On really bad days, I make a deal with myself that I will only try to do a short amount, and if I’m still tired, I’ll stop. That rarely happens.

What advice would you give to someone just beginning a weight loss journey?
Enjoy the journey! In the beginning, it looks like such an enormous task, but if you break it into baby steps, it's not nearly as intimidating.  So many people are preoccupied with reaching a goal weight that they miss the smaller victories along the way. Find an activity that you love to do--and do it. If your workout feels more like a chore than a fun activity, then you probably won’t stick with it.

How has your life changed since losing weight and improving your health?
I feel better, and I can walk long distances--so far my longest is 7 miles.  A few years ago, I put my figure skates back on and returned to the ice. It was scary, but I enjoyed it. I didn't realize how much I had missed skating.  I've completed 15 5K races, and I'm currently in training for a half marathon. I never in my wildest dreams would have thought I could be a runner...but I am!  I love the increased energy that becoming fit and healthier has given me. And the added rewards of knowing that I am controlling my fibromyalgia and lowering my blood pressure keep me on track. I know that I will reach my goal this time. I can do this, I will do this, and I AM doing this!

Congratulations, Pattie! Thanks for sharing your story!

*Weight loss results will vary from person to person. No individual result should be seen as a typical result of following the SparkPeople program.