Follow SparkPeople on Pinterest!

By , SparkPeople Blogger
I have a confession. I am obsessed with a website that isn't SparkPeople. com. I think about it during the day. I visit the site before I go to bed each night. I even had a dream about it once. Don't get me wrong, I love SparkPeople and would recommend it to anyone for all of your healthy lifestyle needs, but I have a new flame. It's name is Pinterest. I could waste spend hours a day looking for cool ideas and pinning the ones I stumble upon on Pinterest. Sometimes I do! Pinterest has changed my online world for the better.
Those of you who have a Pinterest account probably "get it." Those of you who have no idea what Pinterest is are probably scratching your heads and saying, "Huh?"
Allow me to explain.
For those who don't know, is a rapidly growing website. It's free. It's fun. It's visual and engaging. You never know what you'll find on Pinterest—in a good way!
You register your Pinterest account just like any other social networking site and can make your account private or public. Think of Pinterest as your online file cabinet. Your virtual corkboard for everything you find and love on the Internet. Your digital idea generator. Through your account, you can "pin" any page/image/story/website on the Internet.  A "pin" saves it for you to look at later. Pins can be clothes you like, videos you want to watch, craft ideas or gifts you want to buy. Or if you prefer, you can pin or browse recipes, workouts, inspiring quotes, handy to-do lists or articles you want to keep/read/reference later. You can even use it to create your own online vision collage. It's all up to you and your pimagination. (Hehe Get it?) You can create as many different "boards" (think of them as categories) for your pins, editing and adding to them at any time. You can follow random people whose pins you like, friends who are also on pinterest and even companies you like, or just look at the main page of Pinterest and "like" or "repin" anything that fancies you! Which brings me to the real point of this blog: You can now follow SparkPeople on Pinterest, too!
If you have a Pinterest account, help us Spread the Spark by following SparkPeople today so that the healthy recipes, workouts, quotes and other great content we pin shows up in your Pinterest feed—where you can like or repin it for yourself.  (If you don't have an account but are intrigued, request one here.) We'll keep adding boards as we expand our pinning ventures in the near future.  And be on the lookout for "Pin It" icons coming soon to our SparkRecipes, motivational quotes and dailySpark pages.  I hope to see you there!

Are you a Pinterest member? What kinds of boards or pins would you like to see from SparkPeople?