FlyLady Dishes on How Less Junk Means a Smaller 'Trunk'

By , SparkPeople Blogger
Editor's Note: The dailySpark has partnered with Lisa and Chris from to bring you a monthly podcast related to healthy living. For our inaugural collaboration, we thought we would venture beyond the realms of health and fitness.

When it comes to spring cleaning (and keeping your life clutter free), no one knows better than the "FlyLady," Marla Cilley. We knew our members would love this interview, especially the FlyLady: Peace is Mine SparkTeam!


Could a cluttered home and disorganized life be adding to your struggles with weight? Did you know that dropping a few pounds could be as easy as picking up a few good habits? Just in time for the spring cleaning season, Chris and Lisa bring you a dailySpark podcast that will have you racing to the store for a personal planner and crockpot.

Marla Cilley, AKA The FlyLady, shares some practical tips from her book Body Clutter- Love Your Body Love Yourself. You may be surprised by how getting rid of the junk makes for a tinier "trunk." Set the timer, lace up your shoes and get moving with Marla today!

Click here to listen to the podcast.

Are you a fan of the FlyLady? Less time spent cleaning is more time spent living and being healthy, we say. How do you keep your house clean and still find time to work out and cook healthy meals? Do you have any tips for squeezing it in?

About the Skinny Scoopers: They certainly aren’t woefully skinny, nor do they think you should be! Chris & Lisa are NOT dietitians. They’re not nutritionists, herbalists, acupuncturists, or hypnotherapists. Call them a couple of diet detectives... they are mothers and journalists who like so many others, STRUGGLE to stay at a healthy weight! These two embrace the belief that looking and feeling your best isn’t some far off destination or goal tied to a number on the scale... it’s a choice. A choice you make every day regardless of where you are in your weight loss efforts. Between them, they’ve lost over 100 pounds. Between them, they’ve worn many hats in life... news anchor, business developer, developer, mom, wife, researcher, freelance writer & reporter. Now they put those skills to their highest use... helping each other and helping YOU stay on the path of better living with information, encouragement, and a little entertainment too!

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