Fat Burners and Fat Binders: What's the Difference?

By , bmiSMART

Unlike Fat Burners, Fat Binders will not mess with your metabolism.

Fat burners have been around for decades and celebrities have filled gyms and TV commercials saying which fat burner they used to sculpt their hard bodies. But fat burners aren’t for everyone. In fact, they can even mess up a healthy metabolism, making it more sluggish when you stop taking them and sending your body into withdrawal.

What is a fat burner?

Fat burners are supplements that use stimulants to increase metabolism and thermogenesis in order to burn fat. There are hundreds of fat burners to choose from, all of them claiming they'll help you lose weight. Unfortunately, these claims often make dieters believe that they can lose weight without dieting and exercising. This too-good-to-be-true story is just that.

bmiSMART’s fat binder, I-REMOVE, is different.

Unlike fat burners, I-REMOVE Fat Binder from bmiSMART does not highjack your metabolism. In fact, this gentle, plant-based natural compound contains NO STIMULANTS OR METABOLIC ENHANCERS (let’s face it, if you want stimulants, there are a multitude of cheaper ways than buying an expensive fat binder, including your morning cup of coffee). A fat binder, on the other hand, works with your digestive system to reduce the amount of fat calories you absorb from the food you eat.

How a fat binder works.

When you eat fatty food, it is broken into tiny particles, releasing dietary fat for absorption through the intestines. When your intestines absorb dietary fat, it is either converted into energy or stored as fat.

However, if you take I-REMOVE after consuming high-fat foods, I-REMOVE’s natural compound binds with some of the dietary fat in your system to create fat + fiber complexes, which are too large to be fully digested. The undigested components are then eliminated by your body through normal bowel activity. This natural intervention, created by I-REMOVE’s proprietary ingredient, Litramine™, reduces the amount of fat calories your body actually absorbs, amplifying your healthy weight-loss efforts.

I-REMOVE is not intended to replace diet and exercise.

Because I-REMOVE works with your body’s natural digestion, you don’t have to starve yourself to lose weight with I-REMOVE. However, it is not a cure-all magic pill. Clinical placebo-controlled studies published in peer-reviewed journals show that participants taking I-REMOVE lost up to 3X more weight than participants on the placebo, even though all the participants were following the same hypocaloric diet and exercising for 30 minutes a day.

So next time you’re tempted to order an expensive fat burner, consider a gentle, non-stimulant, highly effective alternative: bmiSMART’s I-REMOVE Fat Binder