Updated: 'DWTS' Men: Lose Weight, Ladies!

By , SparkPeople Blogger
UPDATE: The men are defending themselves and said their comments have been taken out of context. Read on to find links to their explanations!

We recently debated the hypocrisy in the media when it comes to a star's weight. Cheryl Burke's recent weight gain made the two-time Dancing with the Stars champion a tabloid favorite. Now a fellow female dancer, Lacey Schwimmer, is also coming under fire for having gained a few pounds over her summer break.

The source of the latest criticism of both ladies' figures: their male counterparts on DWTS.

"When I first saw these women this season, I said, 'Guys, you know the camera adds 10 pounds,'" said fellow dancer Maksim Chmerkovskiy, in the latest issue of TV Guide. "'You have to do something about this."

That's harsh!

Now the men are speaking out:

Maksim's comments

Do you think the men's comments were misconstrued, or do you think they are just covering their tails now that they're in the middle of a maelstrom of negative comments? As a former reporter, I can tell you that quite often, the media are blamed when legitimately quoted comments cast a bad light on the person who said them. However, I do know that words can easily be taken out of context. What do you think?