Denise Austin's 5 Stay-Fit Holiday Tips

By , SparkPeople Blogger
Editor's Note: We're thrilled to share a guest post from "America's favorite fitness expert," Denise Austin. She looks so great and has managed to stay fit for more than 50 years, so we asked her to share her secrets to surviving the holidays in a healthy way, and boy did she deliver! Read on to find out how Denise makes time for fitness—and get her favorite recipe for a guilt-free party!

My Healthy Holiday Tips by Denise Austin

It’s hard to believe how fast this year flew by—the holiday season is already upon us! As much as I love this time of year, it does make eating well and exercising a challenge. Temptation is everywhere, and we’re so busy with shopping, traveling, and merrymaking that our fitness can fall by the wayside. But don’t worry: You can still enjoy the holiday cheer without emerging 5 or 10 pounds heavier! With just a bit of preparation and discipline, staying healthy through the season is possible. Here are some of my best tips for sticking to your diet and fitness plan:
  • Plan meals ahead of time. To be sure you stay away from time-saving but fattening fast food meals, do some prep work on the weekends. For example, next time you make dinner, make double, and freeze half for a weeknight meal. I’ll also cut up lots of veggies or grill a bunch of chicken on Sunday, and then store everything in re-sealable containers. Then my family's lunches are all set for the week!

  • Squeeze in cardio. Have a lot of shopping to get done this weekend? Get there early and promise yourself that you'll walk a few brisk laps of the entire mall before you start shopping. (Then treat yourself to a healthy lunch out!)

  • Get a head start. If you know that your packed schedule will make it impossible to sneak away for a treadmill session, wake up an hour earlier and get your workout out of the way. You’ll feel good knowing it’s done—and the extra holiday treats that sneak into your diet won’t show up on your hips!

  • Bring a dish. We all love parties, but they’re usually filled with plenty of sugary and salty temptations! That’s why I always make sure to bring my own healthy dish, like my Lentil Tapenade, spread on crostini bread. This recipe is always a huge hit with my friends and family—and it’s low in calories and totally guilt-free! You’ll also please your hosts by bringing something delicious to add to their holiday spread.

  • Take time to relax. It’s important to remember that even though we have a page-long list of errands to run, it’s important to take out time for ourselves to de-stress. Even if it’s only one hour a week, set aside a block of time where you forget about the gift list and work deadlines and simply curl up with a good book or take a warm bubble bath. Believe me, a little relaxation will go a long way!
With just a little extra work, you can make sure that you stay fit and healthy through this happy season and start 2011 off on the right foot! For more of my motivational tips, healthy recipes, and easy exercises, visit

What's your #1 tip for staying on track during the holidays?

Photo Credit: Charles Bush