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Coach Nicole Has One Cool Career, Says Local Paper

By , SparkPeople Blogger
A few weeks ago, I received an email from a local reporter who wanted to interview me for a feature story about cool careers. The reporter's co-worker is an avid SparkPeople member who suggested that she interview "Coach Nicole" at SparkPeople. I was flattered! Of course, I think I have an awesome job, but I didn't know that others felt the same about it as I do.

The story, "10 Cool People, 10 Cool Careers," published yesterday in Cincinnati's Cin Weekly paper, featured 10 young professionals who love what they do. Like Stepfanie, working at SparkPeople is my dream job, so I was excited to talk about my "cool career" and Spread the Spark at the same time. Here's a link to the article, as well as some behind the scenes info that didn't make it into the story.

Nicole Nichols, Editor and Content Manager
(You can see all 10 cool careers here, too.)

With all the talk about the Wii Fit, office gym and "Beer Fridays," at the end of the article, it may seem like working at SparkPeople is all fun and games. Sometimes it is (we don't take ourselves too seriously), but we are serious about what we do. Every person on our small team works hard to help others, putting in long days at the office and checking in on nights and weekends, too. I think everyone here has a cool career—our work directly helps millions of people realize their goals and dreams.

I wouldn't trade what I do for almost anything, and although I dreamt of writing for a fitness magazine when I was in college, I'm here to stay. Where else would I get to write healthy lifestyle articles, design workouts, create cool features, answer questions, shoot videos, blog about fitness, make DVDs, meet new friends, review new products and feel inspired every day? (It's a busy job but someone has to do it.)

The fact that every time I do one of those things, I'm directly helping someone learn how to live healthier—that is the only thanks I need for doing the job that I love. So thank YOU for making my cool career possible! Keep Spreading the Spark!

Do you think Coach Nicole has one cool career? What is your dream job?