Coach Jen's Memorable Moments

By , SparkPeople Blogger
In honor of dailySpark's anniversary, I thought I'd take a look back at some of my favorite blogs over the past year. A few were favorites because they were personal to me, and a few others were highlights because of the reaction they received. I'm always surprised at which blogs strike a chord with members and get a lot of responses, because it's not always the ones I'd expect.

1. In the News: Ice Cream Made from Breast Milk? This is the first blog I remember doing that got a very strong response. When I wrote it, I actually thought people might think it was silly and wouldn't pay much attention. But at the time, it got a response that was very unexpected.

2. Eating Habits of "The Biggest Loser": Inspirational or a Bad Example? I was a little concerned about writing this blog because I know people have strong opinions about this show. Most people either love it or hate it, which was confirmed by the comments. As a result of it, we were contacted by the nutritionist for the Biggest Loser who wrote two follow-up blogs about the show: Secrets and Recipes from 'The Biggest Loser' Nutritionist and Recipes from 'The Biggest Loser' Nutritionist

3. Negative Usernames: Motivational or Self-Defeating?A member suggested this blog topic and I really wanted to write about it. I hope that it made at least a few people rethink their choice of username and perhaps changed it to something more inspirational. Who knows how that simple change has impacted their progress!

4. Finding Balance: Where Do I Begin?This was the first in a series of blogs I did about how to find the balance between work, family and your own health and fitness goals. That's something I struggle with every day, so writing about it was easy for me. I enjoyed hearing from others who face the same issues, as well as those who had tips for how they have successfully found balance in their own lives.

5. Confession: Motherhood Has Changed Me Of anything I've written over the past year, this was definitely my proudest moment. It didn't get a lot of comments, but that was okay with me. I wrote it more for my kids than anyone else, and will put a copy of it in their memory boxes so they can read it someday.

It's not always easy for me to come up with blog topics, and some are more enjoyable to write about than others. But I like writing for dailySpark and enjoy reading the comments and reaction to what I've written. Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to read or respond to one of my blogs. I look forward to what the next year will bring!

See more: anniversary