Chef Meg's Favorite Strawberry Recipes

By , SparkPeople Blogger
The boys just finished school, and we've been spending weekends at my family farm in central Kentucky, picking strawberries. Last weekend, the boys and their cousins helped me by picking all the bad berries (one bad berry will spoil the bunch!), then having a strawberry fight in the garden. You've never seen something so funny!

I spent the whole next day making strawberry compote, which is like a whole berry jam. (Sorry, no recipe for that one yet!) We've been eating berries morning, noon and night. Are you, too?

Since I've been so busy in the strawberry patch, I really haven't had any time to create new recipes using the harvest. But I have been turning to plenty of old favorites. I thought I'd share some of those with you today. Here are some of my best strawberry recipes:

Chef Meg's Creamy Grilled Strawberry Sandwich

Chef Meg's Spinach-Berry Salad

Strawberry Muffins (Chef Meg Approved)

Some other great ways to enjoy strawberries: Atop yogurt with a sprinkle of ground flaxseed, with a dollop of real whipped cream, sprinkled with mint, or just plain, straight from the garden (after a quick rinse, of course!). Want to grow your own strawberries? Learn how!

What is YOUR favorite way to eat strawberries?