Celebrity Trainer Shares His Top 3 Bun Shaping Moves

By , SparkPeople Blogger
by Celebrity Fitness Trainer David Kirsch
Ladies, start your lunges! While you may have packed away your bikini, it’s not over for your hips, thighs and butt. It’s jeans season -- skinny jeans season -- that is, and time to get your lower half looking sexy and sensational!

For the past 20 years, I’ve been sculpting some of the best butts in the business. Heidi Klum, Liv Tyler, Naomi Campbell, Linda Evangelista, Karolina Kurkova, Kerry Washington, Kim Raver, Anne Hathaway and Ellen Barkin have all trusted me to get their bottoms pert and perky.

Their runway-ready secrets to a firmly sculpted lower half, are in my latest book: "David Kirsch’s Butt Book." Now, they’re here for you.

Here are three moves for eliminating the jiggle. You can do them anytime, anywhere and without equipment. Do 15-20 reps without stopping and 2-3 sets.


Perfect for shaping the outer part of the butt, crossover lunges are the enemy of saddlebags!
  1. Start upright, feet shoulder-width distance apart, hands on your hips.
  2. Start with your right leg. Step forward and cross over your left leg, while bending at the knee.
  3. Return to start position.
  4. Repeat on the left.


A perfect butt-shaping, hip reducing, lower half-sculpting maneuver! Done right, your butt will sing and your heart will scream.
  1. Start position.
  2. Lift your right leg from the knee and move it in a circular roundhouse.
  3. Land out to the side, wider than you started and immediately squat down, channeling a real sumo wrestler.
  4. As you come out of the squat, lift your right leg and kick out, leading with your heel.

Each element should flow smoothly into the next. There are no breaks in a sumo lunge!


One of my signature moves, you’re not going to look pretty doing it. The result, though … hot stuff!
  1. Start in a plie squat position, with your hands behind your head and your thighs parallel to the ground.
  2. Waddle forward! Right foot in front of your left, stay engaged in that plie squat. Now reverse.

Make sure your knees stay out and your weight stays back in your heels throughout the movement.

You can get more of my butt-sculpting moves for your body type, in David Kirsch’s Butt Book, available for $12.95 at DavidKirschWellness.com.

Have you tried these moves? Would you? If tried them, were they effective?