Celebrate Love Your Body Day!

By , SparkPeople Blogger
When you catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror, what's your reaction? Do you pick apart your flaws? Critique the face smiling back at you? Avoid the mirror altogether?

Starting today, look into the mirror and find one part of your body that you like. Whether it's the curve of your hip, your pearly whites, or big brown eyes, take a look at that body part and remember that you're beautiful, no matter what the scale says, no matter how you feel on the outside, and no matter how much other people try to tear you down. (And don't even think about a disclaimer after that compliment.)

Today is the National Organization for Women Foundation's Love Your Body Day, and it's as good a time as any to start loving yourself. If you didn't love yourself, you wouldn't be embarking on this journey to good health.

Don't make excuses. A pimple, some pudge, a couple of fine lines--they're what makes you you. Stop focusing on the flaws. The woman who's going gray is more confident, more financially secure and happier than the young woman from 20 years ago against whose beauty ideal you hold yourself.

So today, throw back your shoulders, hold your head up high, stand up tall and head out and face the world. You're beautiful. You're smart. You're strong.

You can't control the rest of the world, but you can control your attitude.
Go ahead. You rock!

Name one thing about yourself that has improved in the last five years. (It doesn't have to be physical.)

I'll start: I'm more patient. How about you?