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Caterers Turned Web Divas Share Their Summer Party Recipes

By , SparkPeople Blogger
Editor's Note: Over the last year or so, we've watched as a local catering company morphed into a fun multimedia company. Their boundless energy and sold-out events have solidified Cooking With Caitlin's reputation as women who rock. We've invited them to the dailySpark to share some of their favorite summer party foods. These flavor-packed dishes are sure to be a hit, and these ladies know how to have some fun and eat it, too!

By Kelly Trush

SparkPeople and Cooking With Caitlin have been dancing on the same floor for quite some time. As we find ourselves celebrating fresh, savoring yum, and reveling in community, it’s clear Cooking With Caitlin has even been busting quite a few of the same moves as our friends at SparkPeople. So when we of Cooking with Caitlin – Kelly, Molly, and Caitlin – were invited to blog on the dailySpark, we were delighted (in the immortal words of Kool and the Gang) to “get down on it.”

Molly, Caitlin, and I (Kelly at the keyboard) are sisters and friends who have come together in the name of food, in the name of family, in the name of freshness. In truth we grew up together, but it wasn’t until we broke bread as wives and mothers and longing-to-be entrepreneurs that Cooking with Caitlin was born. Having started as a catering company, in two years traveling at warp-speed, we have evolved into a food-focused website called, radio personalities, and cooking-meets-talk show television hosts.

We are most interested in all that makes a life well-nourished – that is, what matters most: like family around the dinner table, conversation over a bucket of popcorn, connection with friends and neighbors. While is chock full of clever and inventive recipes by Caitlin herself, there is also a collection of videos designed to build confidence in any kitchen, as well as a weekly newsletter featuring fresh new photographs and menu ideas. Within the worldwide web and outside of it too, Caitlin, Molly, and I are driven to build community using food as our vehicle.

Along the way it has been our pleasure to join forces with similarly spirited operations like SparkPeople; 55KRC THE Talk Station, where we broadcast What’s Hot with Molly, Kelly, and Caitlin every Sunday afternoon; and Cincinnati’s Fountain Square, which will be showcased every Wednesday throughout the summer in The Cooking with Caitlin Show. We are so thankful for the opportunity to do what we love and every single member of our community.
In the spirit of the lovely spring days for which we are oh-so-grateful, we offer you a fresh, fresh, fresh suggestion for a lunch or dinner party.

On the grill, in a press, or smack dab in the middle of your favorite pan, melt a sweet and creamy Stone Fruit Quesadilla.

Pair it with a lovely bowl of cold crisp Gazpacho with Avocado Whip

Then satisfy your sweet tooth with lemon freeze shots. (No recipe needed. Just spoon a lemon freeze or sorbet from your grocer’s freezer into shot glasses and top with a good ol’ fashioned Lemondrop candy.)

If you want the nutrition info for these recipes, you can also find them on SparkRecipes:
COOKING WITH CAITLIN'S Stone Fruit Quesadilla
(Recipes courtesy of

Just wait until your tongue tastes the tango of these fresh flavors. You just may catch yourself in a full-on Macarena.

Kelly Trush (above, right) is a co-founder of the catering and media company Cooking With Caitlin. The ladies from CWC will be sharing fresh, easy recipes and entertaining tips with the dailySpark each season. Be sure to check out their website after May 27 for more info about their cooking/talk show! Do you find their story to be inspiring? Which of these recipes would you like to try?