Quick Tips: Can You Use Your Ob/Gyn as Your GP?

By , By Woman's Day Staff

Having trouble finding a general practitioner you like? Consider asking your gynecologist to step in. Seeing one person you’re comfortable with (instead of two you’re so-so about) could lead to better care, as long as you don’t have any medical issues that might require a specialist. But you must ask her if she’s willing to accept the responsibility of monitoring your overall well-being, not just your reproductive health. If she agrees to be your main provider, she should be able to do everything from screening you for diabetes and heart disease to refilling your prescription for allergy meds, in addition to giving you a Pap smear and breast exam.

Some gynecologists only want to serve as specialists; others are happy to provide general care but they won’t necessarily think about monitoring, say, your cholesterol levels, unless you make it clear that you’re not also seeing another primary care doctor such as an internist.

Lissa Rankin, MD, ob/gyn, founder of OwningPink.com.

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