Behind the Scenes on Chef Meg's Video Shoot

By , SparkPeople Blogger
In addition to my blogging and editing duties here on the dailySpark, I'm also the editor of, which means I spend a good bit of time working with Chef Meg and reading the recipes you submit. Some of you might have read on my SparkPeople Friend Feed that we taped another round of recipe and cooking videos with Chef Meg Galvin this week. We tape at the Midwest Culinary Institute here in Cincinnati in a state-of-the-art demo kitchen that is also used to tape a local cooking show called "The Dish," which stars Chef Meg.

Working with Chef Meg to develop and test recipes for you is one of the most interesting parts of my job. (OK, I admit. There is really no uninteresting part of my job!) Though I consider myself a pretty good cook, I'm no master chef, and each time we tape with Chef Meg, I learn more about cooking and food! Though it's hard work to produce the videos, it's also great fun for everyone involved.

I thought you might enjoy a behind-the-scenes blog post and a sneak peek at some of the recipes we'll be posting on the site in coming weeks! (Chef Meg adds new recipes to the site each week, so be sure to check out her Healthy Home Cooking page on SparkRecipes!)

On the set, prepping

With her sous-chefs

Healthy muffins!

Love those fresh vegetables

Easy weeknight supper that will transport you to the tropics!

Starting a video

On the other side of the wall is the prep kitchen

Chef Meg's favorite tools

A healthy fish dish (recipe coming soon!)

Roasting garlic

What you didn't see were the pictures of us eating the leftovers!

Do you have a favorite Chef Meg recipe? What is it? Is there a particular recipe you'd like to see her make over? If so, tell us in the comments!