A St. Patrick's Day Challenge (SparkPeople Style!)

By , SparkPeople Blogger
St. Patrick's Day is usually synonymous with corned beef, cabbage and pints upon pints of green beer (not to mention other unnaturally-dyed foods). But this year, we're celebrating in a way that's both fun and good for you! Starting tomorrow and leading up to the day before St. Patrick's Day, we'll be challenging ourselves to get in five servings of green fruits and veggies every day—and we want you to join us on Instagram! Even if you don't celebrate St. Patrick's Day, this is still a fun challenge to help you eat those freggies. (And if you are celebrating St. Paddy's in the usual ways, it's a nice way to get in some nutrients before indulging in all that green beer!)

From 3/9 to 3/16, post a picture of your greens with the hashtag #SparkPatricksDay. The more fun and creative, the better! Each day, we will pick our favorite submission from the previous day and post it to our Instagram account. You can post multiple pictures or just one picture--it's up to you!

Share the following image to your Instagram account (and other social media accounts, if you want) to tell your friends and invite them to join the challenge!

If you're on a desktop, click here to follow us on Instagram. If you're using the Instagram app, search for "SparkPeople" and follow us from there!

Need ideas for incorporating green foods into your meals? Check out these naturally green and good-for-you recipes to get started!

Who's in to celebrate #SparkPatricksDay with us? Let us know in the comments!