A Peek Inside SparkPeople Members' Fridges

By , SparkPeople Blogger
A few weeks ago, we asked you to let us into your fridges, freezers, pantries and even shopping carts. Many of you sent us photos and answered our questions.
Why did we want a sneak-peek into your food stashes? Not because we wanted to see who had the healthiest fridge, the most organized pantry, or the barest freezer (look, Ma, no ice cream!). Nope. We wanted to show the world that SparkPeople embraces moderation. Treats are OK. No one's "on a diet" here. We're all changing our lives, one meal, one day, one step at a time.

That's why SparkPeople has grown into the largest website of its kind in America--with more than 12 million members and counting--because we focus on the living aspect of healthy living.

Today we're sharing with you some of the entries we received. Two of those we chose will receive a Kindle Fire and e-copies of all of our books. The others whose photos we're sharing will get e-copies of the books. (If your photo was chosen, you'll be contacted via email.)

We chose to share photos that had interesting and even downright funny stories behind them. Are they the healthiest fridges in America? Who's judging?

Let's open the fridge and take a look.

Sarah (sgeyer133)

Age 40
Simpsonville, S.C.
What is the healthiest item in your photo? I would choose between the cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli and apples
What is your favorite item in your photo? My favorite item is the saucepan filled with brown and while rice so I can heat it up and eat it as needed!
Are there any impulse purchases in there? Tell us! Impulse purchases? Why, yes, there are! The enormous Toblerone bar was half off, and I couldn't just walk away! Also the organic creamy tomato soup--it just looked too good to walk past!
Is there any food you were tempted to hide? YES! The Diet Coke, the half McDonald's burger and the two bottles on top of the fridge! Do those count?
What's your food philosophy or mantra? I am trying to eat foods to nourish my body and my soul instead of just for taste alone. I have found that I like more food than I ever realized just by not being afraid to try new things. I feed my family well balanced and healthy meals and hope they will also be willing to try new things with me! 

Jennifer (Blue42Down)

Age 43
San Jose, California
Is there any food you were tempted to hide? No.  I track consistently and share my tracker.  I kind of like being proof one does not have to eat based on anyone else's definition of "good" food to lose weight.  I'm happy to have my apple crisps and shredded steak taquitos and thousand island dressing and ice cream on display. (OK, maybe I should have wanted to hide the three sticks of butter ... I use so little I'm going to have those forever!)
What's your food philosophy or mantra? It is possible to be healthy and lose weight by eating in moderation without giving up anything.


Donna (Taquito52)

Age 29
Tampa, Florida
What is the healthiest item in your photo?  All of my fruits and veggies!  I have both fridge drawers stuffed, some on the shelves, and bags upon bags of quick "steam-in-bag" frozen veggies as well as the many bags of frozen fruit!
What is your favorite item in your photo? The flank steak!  I LOVE this piece of meat because you get SO much for so little calories.  My favorite meal is the Spark People's meal plan featuring flank steak, 1/2 baked potato, green beans, and a pear for dinner.  I can even load up my baked potato with fat-free sour cream, low-fat cheddar cheese and top it off with green onions.  Sometimes I can't even finish my meal!
Are there any impulse purchases in there? Tell us!  The Weight Watchers chocolate ice cream cones in the freezer.  I like to eat these for a low-calorie dessert.  They taste great and I don't have to feel guilty eating them. 
Is there any food you were tempted to hide?  The chicken nuggets and fish sticks in the freezer, but they're for my daughter I swear!  
What's your food philosophy or mantra?  If I don't want my daughter to eat it, I shouldn't be eating it: fried foods, fast food, soda, candy, sugar substitute, etc.

Anna (elananna)

Age 24
House Springs, Missouri
Is there any food you were tempted to hide? The bacon. My family does a weekly meal together, and we love to make bacon (Asian-style: wrapped in lettuce leaves with rice, grilled garlic and sometimes grilled kimchi).
What's your food philosophy or mantra? I like to eat whole foods most of the time. Though, I always feel it's good to have balance. Sure, I have indulgences every once in a while, but I make sure that the majority of the time, I eat healthfully and mindfully.

Amanda (ajc_80)

Age 31
Bowling Green, Ohio
Are there any impulse purchases in there? Tell us! My biggest ones are cheese because I’m trying to adopt a vegan way of life. Cheese is my one downfall, it’s so yummy! There are also a couple Reese’s cup peanut butter eggs left in my freezer.
Is there any food you were tempted to hide? My husband's beer, diet pop, and chocolate milk! Maybe we should invest in separate fridges.

The first two photos were selected to receive a Kindle Fire and electronic copies of all our books; the others will receive electronic copies of our books.
Thanks again for sharing your photos with us!
What's in your fridge?

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