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A Must-Watch Video: The Real Bears

By , SparkPeople Blogger
A day or so ago, a friends shared a video on Facebook. The preview was a photo of bears. He has kids, and I have cats, so I didn't pay much attention. Then a co-worker sent around an email about the same video. That's when I took notice. Wow!

Have you seen the video about the real bears yet? I don't want to spoil the story, but this is a must-watch video (with over 1/2 million views as of Friday morning!) for anyone who's committed to a healthier lifestyle. Take a few minutes to check out the video and then let's discuss.


So what did you think? The video was created and shared by the Center for Science in the Public Interest. Their position is clear: "It wasn't so bad when soft drinks were the occasional treat. But now sugary drinks are the number one source of calories in the American diet. With one third of America overweight and another third obese, it's a wonder anyone is still swallowing what the soda companies are selling."

More food (drink?) for thought:If you liked what you watched, be sure to spread the word!
What do you think about the video's message?

See more: news soda video