A Mighty Big Thanks for Sharing the Love

By , SparkPeople Blogger
It's truly a world wide web, but it can feel mighty small and cozy some days. Like today, when we at the dailySpark are thanking all of those bloggers and websites who have taken the time to review and feature The Spark. We're excited to read the reviews of The Spark from our esteemed peers--and our wonderful members as well! If you missed one, you should definitely check these out, if you haven't already.

To start, we got a great review at Diet-Blog.com, a great source for health and fitness news. "Look for this to be a bestseller in 2010," they wrote.

We were over the moon to see that Lisa "Hungry Girl" Lillien, who has already endorsed the book, wrote about us in her popular daily email. We feel the love: "The four-stage plan combines eating right, getting exercise, setting goals, and other positive stuff to motivate you. We feel energized just writing about it... And we LOVE SparkPeople.com. YAYAYAYAY for this book!" Right back at you, HG!

MizFit not only gave us her exclusive "MizFit Seal of Approval," but she also did a fabulous video review as well!

And read what the rest of these kind and talented bloggers had to say about the book!

Kath Eats Real Food
Carrots N Cake
Cincinnati Losers

Have you seen other reviews of The Spark? Did you write your own? Link to them below.