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8 New Ways to Get Fit, Firm and Fired Up

By , SparkPeople Blogger
Are you having trouble squeezing exercise into your busy days? Do you need a workout plan that is simple to follow, yet effective? Are you thinking about making fitness a part of your life, perhaps as a New Year's Resolution? Whether you need help starting a consistent fitness program or just want new ideas, my newest workout DVD, The Spark: Fit, Firm and Fired Up in 10 Minutes a Day can help!

A couple months ago, I told you how you can get a free workout from this DVD by preordering The Spark. Today, I'm happy to share that this DVD is now available!

I designed all eight workouts for this DVD to compliment to our new book The Spark, and like that book, it will change how you view exercise. Both items will be available at a variety of online and retail outlets on December 29! But why wait? You can purchase this DVD (just $10.95) from The SparkPeople Store today—and get a jumpstart on your resolutions!

I am more proud of this new DVD than of all of the videos I have made so far. Similar in structure to the popular Bootcamp challenges that have been so successful at, this DVD features seven 10-minute workouts, one for each day of the week, plus a bonus15-minute cardio workout. There are two different workouts for each major muscle group (upper body, lower body and core) and it comes with a simple workout plan that explains which workouts to do on which days. You only need a pair of dumbbells to follow along, and like most of my workouts, it's highly suitable for beginners, while still giving options for people who are more advanced.

The whole point of the program is to make fitness a habit, to start a workout "streak" that lasts and get real results. It even includes several bonus features and training tips to help you get the most of your workout plan. My favorite workout on the DVD is called "Strengthen and Lengthen," and it's a yoga-Pilates fusion workout that you do at the end of each week for active recovery, light strength training and flexibility. If you don't want to follow the 7-day program, you can use the workouts on the DVD in a variety of workout combinations, some of which are programmed onto the menu for ideas.

Members who pre-ordered The Spark got a free preview of this new DVD. Here's what some of them had to say.
"Love it, love it, love it!!! The energy is great, the instructions are thorough, the enthusiasm in catching! There's no question Coach Nicole knows what she's talking about and obviously lives the principles she's teaching. Keep up the GREAT work!" –ANDREA0301

"The workout was straight-forward and to the point. None of the cheerleader rah-rah stuff (not that that's bad by itself, but it gets old after watching a routine more than a couple of times)." –CYSCOKITTY

"Wow! What a great workout! My abs are just screaming. I can't keep up with it, but I like that it isn't too easy. A great challenge! I must point out I love the backdrop and stage layout. The colors that were used are quite cheerful...a happy place to work out. Can't wait to see the whole DVD. I hope it is available for holiday gift giving, because I'll definitely put it on my wish list! Thanks Coach Nicole you've done a great job!" –ALEXIAAG
Use the Fit, Firm and Fired Up DVD in conjunction with The Spark to take your weight-loss and fitness to a new level! You can order your DVD today from and get it before it is available in stores. How's that for an early Christmas present?

Thanks for your support! I read every comment that readers make on my blogs, videos and SparkPage and truly appreciate all of the encouragement, feedback and advice you take the time to send. It reminds me why I work in this field: to share my passion for fitness with others so they, too, can lead healthy and fulfilling lives. I hope this new DVD will help you get fit, firm and fired up to take on life with a new attitude—and body!