CONTEST CLOSED: 7 Million Pounds Lost! We're Celebrating!

By , SparkPeople Blogger
Thanks for entering! The contest is CLOSED, and winners will be annouced soon!

Congratulations, SparkPeople Members! We've hit another milestone on our road to healthy living.

This weekend, we surpassed the 7 million pound mark! 7,000,000 pounds! That's 3,500 tons of body fat gone forever! Woo-hoo! 7 million pounds equals about 467 elephants, 45 loaded passenger airplanes or 23,333 NFL linebackers. Pat yourselves on the back for that accomplishment.

That's quite a feat.

To celebrate, the dailySpark is giving away four sets of Pilates body bands by Savasa (see below).

It's easy to enter. Just respond in the comments below and tell us what motivates you today.

You can find the official rules here, but remember NOT to comment on the rules! This contest starts now and runs until 9 a.m. EST Friday, March 6, 2009.

Thanks for helping us reach this milestone. We just keep losing! As I write, we're already up to 7,002,276 pounds--make that 7,002,278--and counting.

Don't forget to comment BELOW and tell us what's motivating you today? You could win a set of Savasa Pilates body bands!

See more: giveaway