7 Healthy Holiday Tips from Dr. Oz

By , SparkPeople Blogger
We recently sat in on a conference call with health expert Dr. Mehmet Oz, who shared with us some great tips on staying healthy throughout the holiday season. "The stress in holidays a lot more sophisticated and complex, with visiting relatives… and additional burdens of shopping and planning," he said. But that doesn’t mean that healthy living had to go on hiatus from Thanksgiving through the New Year. Here are his seven best tips, along with some further reading to help you stay in tip-top shape!

1. Don't skip out on sleep. Though it's tempting to enjoy a couple of holiday cocktails at a social gathering to ensure you'll get some shuteye, Dr. Oz, star of "The Dr. Oz Show" says "never having two drinks in a row helps you sleep better." In between your figure friendly cocktails, opt for water or club soda. "Alcohol makes sleeping through the night more difficult," he says.

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2. Start with a mind-body workout routine. No matter how tired he is when he gets up, Dr. Oz does a stretching and exercise routine that involves tai chi, sun salutations and deep breathing. "Taking a few minutes in the beginning of the day before people get to you" is a great way to ensure you'll get in a workout, and sticking to a routine "is a good opportunity to practice mental resilience," he said.

An Introduction to Tai Chi

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3. Forgive yourself for slipping up. When it comes to emotional eating, we need to first come to the "fundamental realization that we're all mess-ups. Too often in life, we expect ourselves to be more perfect than is humanly possible," says Dr. Oz. He says it's OK to indulge in one slice of cake and not feel guilty. "For a lot of folks, the first slice isn't the problem," he said. "The second, third and fourth slices destroy your self esteem."

VIDEO: "I Lost 100 Pounds and Found Hope"

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4. Don't give in to holiday weight gain. It's a myth that we gain seven to 10 pounds during the holidays, said Dr. Oz. We actually only gain a pound or two, which is easy to keep off. His suggestion: "Eat 100 calories less per day during holidays get rid of weight you would have gained and set standard for the new year."

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5. Get in that exercise. Yes, this seems like it repeats Tip 2, but we can't say it enough: No matter how busy you are, no matter how stressed you get, work out!. Dr. Oz recommends "getting it in early in the day. When I try to do it late, other things preempt it. I do it very short and very quick."

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6. Don't make the meal the focus of the holiday. Dr. Oz recommends eating an early meal, then doing something active. His family plays football before the meal. "Everyone plays at their own level, and some people watch. Putting a few moments of thought into the tradition… can leave an impact on your kids…. All of our activities are built around food in most families, but it doesn't have to be that way."

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7. Eat natural foods to boost immunity. Dr. Oz recommends keeping your immune system strong by eating foods rich in Vitamin D (and taking a supplement), taking American ginseng, and getting plenty of omega-3 fatty acids. He recommends eating plenty of broccoli, which helps clean out the liver, and taking a multivitamin with omega-3, and making sure to get a daily dose of vitamins A, B, D, and E. And he said he feels "more comfortable recommending D than C" for fighting off illness.

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What is your biggest challenge during the holidays? What is your best tip for staying healthy?