5 Ways with... Shower Caps

By , SparkPeople Blogger
By Woman's Day

Learn how to make the most of common household items, like hair dryers, dryer sheets and toothpicks, when you watch our 5 Ways video series! Each week, we feature a different item that you likely have lying around the house, and show you five new uses for it--surprising even the savviest of homemakers. For instance, did you know the absorbent powders in sidewalk chalk can soak up stains on clothing? Or that dryer sheets can calm frizzy-hair flyaways? Today, tune in to our latest installment, in which WomansDay.com Assistant Editor Brynn Mannino demonstrates five new ways to put shower caps to use around the house and yard.

1. Catch drips from hanging plants. While watering your indoor greenery, prevent leaks from spoiling your floor or rug by affixing a shower cap to the bottom of the container. Leave it in place until the drips have run dry.

2. Stop the spread of shoe dirt. If you're gardening or mowing the lawn and need to run inside the house to answer the phone, here's an easy way to prevent dirt or grass clippings from being tracked inside: Keep two shower caps near the door and slip one over each shoe to contain the mess.

3. Contain broom dust. After you’ve finished sweeping the floor, place a shower cap over your broom's bristles to keep dust bunnies and bacteria at bay.

4. Keep your bike seat dry. If cycling is your go-to method of transportation, you're bound to get caught in the rain every once in a while. Protect your (expensive) seat from soaking through by covering it with a shower cap, which will look sleeker than a plastic bag, and is easier to tote around.

5. Create a temporary dog bowl. Instead of lugging hardware to the beach or park, stick a couple disposable shower caps in your tote. In a pinch, they can be turned into a food or water bowl--and beat serving your pooch his chow on the ground or water in a tiny bottle cap.

Watch the video at WomansDay.com!

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