5 Ways with... Cotton Balls

By , SparkPeople Blogger
By Woman's Day

Learn how to make the most of common household items, like hair dryers, dryer sheets and toothpicks, when you watch our 5 Ways video series! Each week, we feature a different item that you likely have lying around the house, and show you five new uses for it—surprising even the savviest of homemakers. For instance, did you know the absorbent powders in sidewalk chalk can soak up stains on clothing? Or that dryer sheets can calm frizzy-hair flyaways? Today, tune in to our latest installment, in which WomansDay.com Assistant Editor Brynn Mannino demonstrates five new ways to put cotton balls to use around the house and yard.

1. Help flowers bloom. Buds with hollow stems, like daffodils and delphiniums, stay most hydrated when their stems remain filled with water. The trick? Cut the bottom of each stem at a 45-degree angle, fill it up with tepid tap water and plug the hole with a piece of cotton. Then place the flowers in a vase of water as usual.

2. Freshen the air. The next time you tend to the rugs, let the vacuum cleaner double as an air freshener by dropping a cotton ball soaked in vanilla extract in the bag. The delicious scent will permeate the entire house!

3. Use as a soda can stopper. When you crack open a can of soda and want to save the rest, wedge a cotton ball in the top to seal it. The pliable nature of the material will plug any air leaks, working to keep your beverage fresh and carbonated until you’re ready for another sip. (Be careful not to push it in too far!)

4. Prevent holes in the tips of your gloves. Long nails are prone to punching holes in the tips of gardening or dishwashing gloves. To preserve your gloves, push a cotton ball into each of the fingers to protect the tips from tearing.

5. Clean bathroom mildew. Soak a few cotton balls in bleach and place them in those gritty, hard to scrub spots in the cracks of faucets and fixtures. Leave them for a few hours, then remove and rinse with warm water for a sparkly finish.

Watch the video now at Woman's Day!

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