5 Nutrition Blogs You May Have Missed This Year

By , SparkPeople Blogger
It is hard to believe we have been sharing information with you on the dailySpark for an entire year. Some of the nutrition series I have been doing during the year remain popular and prevalent such as Nutrition 101, Food on the Run, Diet Friendly Dining, and Weight Busters. In honor of our one-year anniversary, here are five nutrition topics you might have missed during the past year.

  1. Is Your Exercise Routine Turning Into a Headache? - Exercise or exertion headaches are something that affect me when I workout from time to time. Over the years, I have found when I use some of the techniques in this blog I greatly reduce the problem. I hope that if this is something you struggle with, you will try some of these ideas to find relief as well.
  2. Are You An Apple in a Lollipop World? - Many times we hear of basic body shapes like apple and pear but when I look in the mirror I don't really see either. When I ran across a more detailed description with pictures, it helped me better understand body shapes and why we all look so different. As you move forward in your quest of self-improvement, I hope this blog will help you see that we all look different. I hope you will be able to learn to love the shape you are instead of longing to be the idealized 'lollipop' of magazines and Hollywood. At the same time, I hope you learn a little about what style of clothes will help you look your best at any weight.
  3. My Top 4 Healthy Eating Strategies for a Successful 2009 - This blog was intended to provide basic information to help you start new eating habits to reach your goals. If you or someone you love still has not been able to start their new eating habits, these are wonderful beginning goals to help you get started on your way. There is still time to make valuable changes to see positive lifestyle changes by the end of the year and this might be the information you need to make it happen.
  4. Recession Eating Series - Money is still tight for many families. The series was to help everyone stretch their income while feeding families as nutritiously as possible. I hope that some of the information in the series will help you do that during the remained of 2009.
  5. You Asked: What's better, Margarine or Butter? - This is a question that continues to be popular and never seems to go out of style. If you are wondering, I hope this blog will help answer your questions.
What was your favorite nutrition topic or series during the past year?

See more: anniversary