5 Better Bites for Easter

By , SparkPeople Blogger
Easter is synonymous with bright pastel-colored candy eggs, marshmallow chicks and creme-filled chocolates--which aren't exactly the most waistline-friendly treats. But you can still partake in the goodies without derailing your healthy habits. If you're looking for some alternatives to the usual fare, here are some small tweaks you can make to lighten up your Easter baskets this year (while still having fun)! 

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Choose This: Hollow chocolate bunnies
Instead of That: Solid chocolate bunnies
Slash calories with every bite by choosing a hollowed-out bunny over its solid chocolate cousin. (The hollow ones are more fun to break and eat, anyway!)

Choose This: Dark chocolate-covered almonds
Instead of That: Jordan almonds
Those pretty pastel chocolate-covered almonds in your grandmother's candy dish might look innocent enough, but they're chock-full of sugar—24 grams for one serving. By choosing dark chocolate-covered almonds instead, you'll keep the healthy fats and protein from the almonds while slashing the sugar content.

Choose This: Crystallized candied ginger
Instead of That: Gumdrops
This sounds a little strange, but hear us out—if you love the texture of gumdrops, candied ginger will give you the same satisfaction for far fewer pieces since its flavor is so strong. Ginger also has anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties to boot!

Choose This: Dark chocolate eggs
Instead of That: Milk chocolate eggs
If you just gotta have some traditional chocolate eggs, reach for the dark stuff. Dark chocolate boasts a dose of flavanols (plant-based antioxidants that may help reduce blood pressure, cholesterol and inflammation). Milk chocolate tends to be more processed, which dilutes its nutritional benefits.

Choose This: All-natural jelly beans
Instead of That: Regular jelly beans
Most jelly beans are chock-full of fake flavorings and artificial colors to get that day-glo look. However, many all-natural candy companies have sprouted up in recent years that use natural dyes and flavorings for their candies. Check out Surf Sweets and Green Beans for some wholesome alternatives.

Better yet, skip the candy and go for fun gifts that will help kids make healthy choices—and even get them up and moving! Get more great ideas here.

Psst... Looking for last-minute ideas for your Easter feast? We've got you covered here!

How do you celebrate Easter? Do you use candy alternatives, or do you eat the traditional treats and move on?

See more: holidays easter