4 Moves to Rev Your Metabolism

By , By Alyssa Shaffer, of Woman's Day

Boost Your Metabolism in 15 Minutes

The single best way to fire up your calorie burn is with total-body workouts that combine cardio with resistance training. “The goal is to use as many different parts of the body as possible, because the more you move, the more you’ll boost the burn,” explains trainer Jonathan Ross, author of Abs Revealed. Adding some cardio bursts between the strength exercises also ups the calorie burn while allowing your muscles to recover. The best part: You don’t need to leave your house!

How it works: Do this routine twice, flowing from one exercise to the next without taking a break. You’ll need a light (3–5 lb) or medium (8 lb) set of dumbbells.

Back Lunge

Works: Quads, glutes, calves, core
Stand with feet hip-distance apart. Lunge back with your left foot, bending both knees about 90 degrees. At the same time, reach both arms to the outside of your right knee. Keep head up, core squeezed. Step back to starting position. Lunge back with your right foot, bending knees about 90 degrees; reach arms to outside of your left knee. (This is one rep.) Do 10 reps.

60-Second Cardio Burst: Jumping Jacks!

Standing Row

Works: Upper back, arms, glutes
Stand holding a weight in your right hand, palm facing your body. Lean forward, stepping your left leg in front and bending slightly, placing left hand on left thigh. Lift weight toward right side of ribs, keeping head in line with spine and elbow close to body. Do 10 reps, then repeat on the other side.

60-Second Cardio Burst: Jog in Place!


Works: Quads, glutes, hips, arms, shoulders, core

Stand with feet slightly more than shoulder-distance apart, holding a weight in both hands in front of your stomach. Bend knees into a squat, pushing your bottom out behind you as if you’re sitting in a chair. Try not to let your knees go over your toes. Push back up to original stance. Repeat 15 times.

60-Second Cardio Burst: Run Up & Down Stairs!

Pelvic Lift

Works: Thighs, glutes, abs, core

Lie on your back, knees bent. Lift your pelvis off the ground, squeezing glutes and abs, so that your body (from knees to shoulders) is in a straight line. Hold for 2 seconds, then lower down. Repeat 10 times. 60-Second

Cardio Burst: Air Jump Rope (the motion without the rope)!

Cooldown: Take a couple of minutes to wind down. Walk around the room and do some light stretching.

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