31 Real-World Tips to Reach Any Resolution

By , SparkPeople Blogger
If you're like most people, you've been reflecting on your life as of late and looking forward, setting new goals and envisioning where you want to be in the future. If you've set some goals for 2012, great! That is the first step to making your dreams become a reality. But you may not be sure just how you're going to take the steps necessary to bring those goals to fruition. That's OK. I've got some help for you.
Behavior experts say that it takes about one month to form a new habit, and many people try to create (or break) habits at the start of each year. With the right attitude and focus, you can stick to your New Year's resolutions and achieve long-term success.
Here are 31 smart goal-setting tips that will help you do exactly that.
Tip #1
If you haven't yet settled on your top goals for the year, do so today. Writing down your goals (in specific terms) means you're more likely to achieve them.
Tip #2
Are your goals specific and positive? Rather than vowing "to exercise" for example, reword each goal so that it is clear and measurable: I will walk 30 minutes every day. I will complete a 5K race. I will do a yoga DVD twice a week.
Tip #3
Post your written goals in places where you'll see them often—on your computer or fridge, in a picture frame on your desk, as a bookmark, and in your wallet. These reminders will help you stay focused and on track.
To get all 31 tips, click here to download SparkPeople's free tip-of-the-day PDF! By following this advice, your goals will become your reality in no time!
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What is your #1 goal for the New Year? How will you make sure you achieve your resolutions this year?