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21 Days to Your Healthiest Summer Ever

By , SparkPeople Blogger
June is coming up fast, which means sweet, sweet summer is almost officially here! With its gorgeous weather, abundant produce and huge variety of outdoor activities, summer is the perfect time for reaching new health and fitness milestones. If you've been looking for a little extra push to get a leg-up on your healthy-living goals for summer, look no further! We're here for you with a new challenge to help you build up some seriously strong momentum as we dive into the season.

From June 1 through June 21 (the official first day of summer!), we're challenging YOU to ''Streak into Summer" with us. For these next 21 days, we'll give you one simple daily action to help you get on the fast track to a healthier, happier you this summer. 

Joining the challenge is simple! Note that this challenge is a little bit different than others we've hosted in the past. This time, we've created a Facebook group just for this challenge, called the Streak Into Summer Challenge. Simply click on the link and join the challenge by June 1st to receive daily healthy tasks to do, along with built-in support from your fellow challenge-goers!

Each day of the challenge, comment within the Facebook event to stay accountable and let us know how you're doing. Then, we'll serve up tips and encouragement to keep you headed in the right direction! (PS: If you don't use social media, feel free to start a SparkStreak and update your SparkPage status or blog every day to keep yourself accountable.) 

At SparkPeople, we've seen time and time again how our members have made small, consistent actions that snowball into bigger lifestyle changes. We KNOW that making an effort to spend a daily chunk of time on your fitness (even a tiny chunk) will help you revamp your goals and step into summer on a healthier, happier and more energized note! Are you up for the challenge? Let's start streaking! You can join the challenge here.

Want to get your friends on board and spread awareness about the challenge? Post about it on Facebook, TwitterPinterest, and Google+  with the hashtag #SummerStreaking!

What do you think? Will you "Streak into Summer" with us?