12 Real-World Tips from a Celebrity Trainer

By , SparkPeople Blogger
Celebrity fitness guru Latreal ''La'' Mitchell has trained big names like Michael Strahan, so she knows what it takes to get into tip-top shape! We've picked her brain to find out how to get healthy and fit in a realistic way—no fluff, no nonsense and no gimmicks.

Tell us a little about yourself! What initially inspired you to be a trainer? What's been the biggest accomplishment of your career so far?
When I was 18, I really started to develop a passion for nutrition and exercise, and I wanted to help others live their healthiest lives. My biggest accomplishment is founding the Fitness Bunch Foundation, a non-profit organization that serves to fight childhood obesity. Our mission is to help today’s youth bring fitness back into their lives.

What's the biggest mistake that fitness newbies make?
They set unrealistic goals. You need to be realistic with yourself about how long it took you to get to where you are now and how long it will take you to get to your goal. I always tell my clients to be honest with themselves. It might not be easy, but it can be done if you take small, realistic steps.

What's a telltale sign that someone will fail to reach his or her goals?
If you're always criticizing your body or underestimating your ability to maintain a healthy lifestyle, you will make it much more difficult to reach your goals, especially if you don't have a plan or support system in place. I like to say, ''If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.'' 

Whenever my clients say anything negative about themselves, I make them do whatever exercise they hate the most! My goal is not to punish them, but to reprogram their thinking and make them realize how frequently they are indulging in negative self-talk. People don't realize that it really can become a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you tell yourself you can't do something, you won't do it. But if you tell yourself you can do something, you eventually will.

What are your top 3 tips for staying motivated for the long haul?
  1. It's not important how you got to be overweight, out of shape, etc. What is important is that you are taking care of yourself now.
  2. Break the scale obsession and its emotional roller-coaster. Instead, look at how your clothes fit and how you feel.
  3. Be kind to yourself! Congratulate yourself on accomplishments and forgive your failures.
How do you get yourself moving when you just don't feel like working out?
Music is my motivator, and I’ll also start with stretching because once I get warmed up, the rest is easy! Or I sign up to go to a spin class, because once you’ve locked that into your schedule, you have to go. I always feel better after.

Any suggestions for busting out of a workout rut?
I try to make my exercise fun by finding an activity that I enjoy. I tell my clients to switch up their routine by trying something different that they think they would enjoy, like boxing or a group fitness class. Sometimes you need a community of like-minded people to stay motivated.

What are the best small changes you can make to your routine to help get you closer to reaching your fitness goals?
Fitting in even a small amount of exercise, like a 10-minute walk or 10 minutes of interval training at least three days a week is easier than you think! And even eating healthier doesn’t have to be a chore if you start by trying to snack healthier. For example, reach for snacks like almonds, light popcorn or a Meta Health Bar.

If you had to pick just ONE healthy change that would have a big impact for most people, what would it be?
I always tell my clients to stop dieting. The best ''diet'' in the world is actually not a diet at all! Instead of restricting yourself, practice conscious eating and conscious living. It is all about making good decisions. Simply think about whether the food you’re choosing to eat is providing you with the important nutrients you need, like fiber. Most people aren’t getting enough fiber on a daily basis. Even just setting a simple goal to get enough fiber every day can do a lot for your overall health.

What are some of your top hacks to fit in more fitness throughout the day?
If it's hard to find time for exercise, don't fall back on excuses! Schedule your workouts as you would any other important activity. You can also sneak in physical activity throughout the day in so many different ways. Some of my favorites are:
  • Taking the stairs instead of the elevator
  • Walking up and down the sidelines while watching your kids play sports
  • Pedaling a stationary bike or doing strength-training exercises while you watch TV at night
What is the best way to go about breaking old unhealthy habits?
Be aware of what your worst habits are, and make a note of when you're most likely to fall back on them. Then, create better alternatives for yourself. For example, if you get the urge to snack on junk food late at night, do not keep snacks easily available--or have a healthy alternative on hand.
What's your best advice for someone who's reached a fitness plateau?
Just because you reached a plateau doesn’t mean you should stop being motivated to live a healthy lifestyle! Challenge yourself by switching up your routine, or focus on making your workout more vigorous to keep your muscles guessing.

What's your favorite motivating quote or mantra?
I always say, ''Trying is lying.'' You either commit to doing something, or you don’t. You don’t try to go to work every day--you do it.  Make a solid commitment to what you say you want and just do it! Don’t try to be healthier. Just make small steps every day to live a healthier lifestyle, and it will become a reality.

Thanks, La! Need a push to get started on your healthy-living journey? Join the 30-Day Small Changes Challenge or check out the Thrive 365 Center to get moving. 
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